Fruits & Vegetables
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Further Reading was launched by Canadian Organic Growers Perth-Waterloo-Wellington as part of a project funded by the Agricultural Management Institute to support the local organic sector through the development of farm management tools. Please note that this tool is no longer being actively maintained.
The COABC maintains a weekly organic fruit and vegetable price list.
Statistics Canada conducts an annual fruit and vegetable survey, collecting data to produce estimates of the total cultivated area, the harvested area, total production, marketed production and the farm gate value of selected fruits and vegetables grown in Canada. In July 2020, Statistics Canada published experimental data on fruit and vegetable certified organic cultivated area.
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) publishes regular statistics on the horticultural sector in Ontario. Please note, these statistics do not include organic specific data.
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Nationally, field crops account for roughly 35% of organic farmland in Canada, while forages and pasture account for approximately 62% of organic farmland. In 2018, Ontario ranked fourth among the provinces for total organic field crop area with about 7% (Canada Organic Trade Association, 2019).
In the 2016 Census of Agriculture, field crops made up approximately 78% of all Ontario cropland. Organic field crops account for approximately 1% of all field crops grown in Ontario. The three largest field crops grown in Ontario, both organic and non-organic, are soybeans, corn, and winter wheat. This report will provide an overview of the organic field crop sector, including acreage, yield, and pricing data.