Organic farms generally have higher average net operating incomes than conventional farms within their revenue class. In the 2016 Census of Agriculture, 35% of farms reporting organic product sales were making revenues between $10k-$99k, and 36% of farms with organic product sales were making revenues between $100k-$499k (compared to 24% of overall Ontario farms in this revenue class). (Note: This revenue may not be 100% from organic product sales, as farms are able to report both organic product sales and non-organic product sales.)

Full report coming soon!

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Grains & Oilseeds

Nationally, field crops account for roughly 35% of organic farmland in Canada, while forages and pasture account for approximately 62% of organic farmland. In 2018, Ontario ranked fourth among the provinces for total organic field crop area with about 7% (Canada Organic Trade Association, 2019).

In the 2016 Census of Agriculture, field crops made up approximately 78% of all Ontario cropland. Organic field crops account for approximately 1% of all field crops grown in Ontario. The three largest field crops grown in Ontario, both organic and non-organic, are soybeans, corn, and winter wheat. This report will provide an overview of the organic field crop sector, including acreage, yield, and pricing data.